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Curriculum Vitae



1. Employment


​1.1  Professor


Professor of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa, 2017-present


Associate Professor of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa, 2006-17


Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, University of Colorado-Boulder, 1998-2006 (on leave 2003-06)


1.2  Academic Leadership


Director, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa, 2021-present


Founding Director, Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, 2008-15


1.3  Government Employment


Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada, 2015-16


Foreign policy lead on the Transition Team following the 2015 federal election


Policy Advisor, Privy Council Office (Foreign and Defence Policy Secretariat), Government of Canada, Ottawa, 2004-05


Policy Advisor, Department of Foreign Affairs (North America Bureau), Government of Canada, Ottawa, 2003-04


Policy Advisor, Federal-Provincial Relations Office (Constitutional Affairs), Government of Canada, Ottawa, 1991-92


1.4  Other Employment


Director of Research, Conference Board of Canada, Ottawa, 2005-06


1.5  Visiting Appointments and Other Affiliations


Fellow, Halifax International Security Forum, 2020-present


Associate Fellow, Chatham House, 2018-present


Member, Future Council on Geopolitics, World Economic Forum, 2018-2019


Global Ethics Fellow (non-resident), Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs, New York, 2012-15


Visiting Fellow, Centre d’études de relations internationales (CERI), Sciences Po, Paris, 2012-13


Visiting Researcher, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C., 1997-98


Senior Fellow, Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute, 2013-15


1.6  Advisory Group Memberships


Advisory Council to the Deputy Minister of Citizenship, Refugees and Immigration Canada, 2016-2024


International Advisory Council, Centre for Geopolitics, University of Cambridge, 2020-present


NATO Group of Experts (appointed by the Secretary General to advise on the alliance's future), 2014


1.7  Internships


Assistant to the Secretary, Committee on Peacekeeping Operations, United Nations, New York, Spring 1997


Parliamentary Intern, Parliament of Canada, Ottawa, 1990-91


2. Education


Ph.D. — Yale University, Political Science, 1999


M.Phil. — Cambridge University, International Relations, 1990


B.A. — University of Toronto, International Relations and History, 1989


Diplôme — University of Paris (Sorbonne), French Civilization and Language, 1984


3. Awards, Honours and Grants


3.1 Research Prizes and Honours


University Research Chair in International Security and Governance, University of Ottawa, 2007-18


Special commendation, British International Studies Association-RIS Best Article Prize Committee (for “Saving Liberal Peacebuilding”), 2010

Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order, 2007

Chadwick F. Alger Award, International Studies Association, for best book on international organization, 2005

Eugene M. Kayden Award for best book manuscript by a faculty member of the University of Colorado, 2002

Junior Faculty Development Award, University of Colorado Council on Research and Creative Work, 2002

Dissertation Award, Academic Council on the United Nations System, 1998


3.2 Teaching Awards


Excellence in Teaching Award, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs Student Association, University of Ottawa, 2009


Faculty Mentor Award, Graduate Students in Political Science (GIPS), University of Colorado, 2003


Outstanding Teacher Award, Political Science Dept., University of Colorado, 2003


Teacher of the Year (campus wide), Student Organization for Alumni Relations, University of Colorado, 2002


3.3 Awards for Public Service


Catalyst Award (for work on the "Go Global Canada" initiative), Canadian Bureau for International Education, 2018

Environmental Conservation Award (for work on the Devils Lake dispute), Environment Canada, 2005


Group Merit Award (for work on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America), Privy Council Office, 2005


3.4 Grants


Insight Grant ($64,756), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 2020-24

Project Grant ($9,580 CDN), Defence Engagement Program, Canadian Department of National Defence, 2015

Project Grant ($10,000 CDN), Canadian International Council, 2015

Standard Research Grant ($45,606 CDN), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2010-13

Project Grant ($10,000 US), Norwegian Peacebuilding Research Centre, 2010

Project Grant ($12,500 CDN), Aurea Foundation, 2009

Project Grant ($9,000 CDN), Security and Defence Forum, Canadian Department of National Defence, 2009

Project Grant ($303,800 US), Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2007-09 (with Tim Sisk)

Project Grant ($20,000 US), Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2007

Project Grant ($30,000 CDN), International Development Research Centre, 2007

Project Grant ($10,000 CDN), Canadian International Development Agency, 2007

Project Grant ($318,500 US), Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2005-07 (with Tim Sisk)

Discretionary Grant, Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2004

Dean’s Fund for Excellence Grant, University of Colorado, 2002

Conference Grant, University of Colorado, Council on Research and Creative Work, 2002

Small Project Grant, University of Colorado, Council on Research and Creative Work, 2000


3.5 Scholarships


Dissertation Fellowship, Yale University, 1997-98

Canadian Department of National Defence Ph.D. Scholarship, 1996-97, 1997-98

Overbrook Fellowship in Political Science, Yale University, 1994-95


Fulbright Scholarship, Canada-US Fulbright Program, 1993-94

Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 1993-97

Moss Scholarship, University of Toronto, 1989 (top “all-round graduating student”)


4. Research and Writing


4.1 Books


​The World Won’t Wait: Why Canada Needs to Rethink Its International Policies, co-edited with Taylor Owen (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 2015)


The Dilemmas of Statebuilding: Confronting the Contradictions of Postwar Peace Operations, co-edited with Timothy D. Sisk (London: Routledge, 2009)


New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding, co-edited with Edward Newman and Oliver Richmond (Toky: United Nations University Press, 2009)

At War’s End: Building Peace After Civil Conflict (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004)


Published in German translation as Wenn die Waffen schweigen: Friedenskonsolidierung nach innerstaatlichen Gewaltkonf likten (Hamburg: Hamburg Editions, 2007)


4.2 Articles and Book Chapters


"The Future of UN Peace Operations: Pragmatism, Pluralism, or Statism?", International Affairs (forthcoming).


"The Past, Present and Uncertain Future of Collective Conflict Management: Peacekeeping and Beyond,Journal of Statebuilding and Intervention 17:3 (2023), pp. 235-257.


"European Populism and the Return of 'Illiberal Sovereignty': A Case Study of Hungary," International Affairs 98:2 (March 2022), pp. 529–547


"The Right to Dominate: How Old Ideas about Sovereignty Pose New Challenges for World Order," International Organization 74:3 (Summer 2020), pp. 453-489

"Alone in the World? Making Sense of Canada’s Disputes with Saudi Arabia and China," International Journal 74:1 (March 2019), pp. 151-161

"Post-Conflict Peacebuilding," in Thomas G. Weiss and Sam Dawes, eds., The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations, 2nd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018)


"The Promise and Perils of Justin Trudeau's Foreign Policy," in Norman Hillmer and Philippe Lagassé, eds., Justin Trudeau and Canadian Foreign Policy (Palgrave, 2018), pp.17-29

"Why Canada Needs a Global Education Strategy," International Journal 73:1 (March 2018), pp. 146-157


The Blurry Boundary between Peacebuilding and the Responsibility to Protect,” in Alex J. Bellamy and Tim Dunne, eds., Oxford Handbook on the Responsibility to Protect (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), pp. 509-523

"Global Governance and Power Politics: Back to Basics," Ethics and International Affairs 29:4 (Winter 2015), pp. 407-418


A Transforming World,” in Roland Paris and Taylor Owen, eds., The World Won’t Wait: Why Canada Needs to Rethink Its International Policies (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 2015), pp. 3-19


Imagining a More Ambitious Canada,” in Roland Paris and Taylor Owen, eds., The World Won’t Wait: Why Canada Needs to Rethink Its International Policies (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 2015), pp. 175-87


States of Mind: The Role of Governance Schemas in Foreign-Imposed Regime Change,” International Relations 29:2 (June 2015), pp. 139-176


The Legacy of Canada's Afghanistan Mission,” in Jack Cunningham and William Maley, eds., Australia and Canada in Afghanistan: Perspectives on a Mission (Toronto: Dundurn, 2015), pp. 245-260


Responsibility to Protect: The Debate Continues,International Peacekeeping 22:2 (2015), pp. 143-150


Time to Make Ourselves Useful,” Literary Review of Canada (March 2015), pp. 13-15


The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ and the Structural Problems of Preventive Humanitarian Intervention,” International Peacekeeping 21:5 (2014), pp. 569-603


The Geopolitics of Peace Operations: A Research Agenda,” International Peacekeeping 21:4 (Fall 2014), pp. 501-508


Are Canadians Still Liberal Internationalists? Foreign Policy and Public Opinion in the Harper Era,” International Journal 69:3 (September 2014), pp. 274-307


The Truth about Afghanistan,” Policy Options (March-April 2014), pp. 26-33


Afghanistan: What Went Wrong?Perspectives on Politics 11:2 (June 2013), pp. 538-548


Ordering the World: Academic Research and Policymaking on Fragile States,” International Studies Review 13:1 (March 2011), pp. 58-71


NATO and the Challenge of Sustainable Peacebuilding” (with Alexandra Gheciu), Global Governance 17:1 (Jan.-March 2011), pp. 75-79


State-Level Effects of Transitional Justice: What Do We Know?” (with Oskar N.T. Thoms and James Ron), International Journal of Transitional Justice 4:3 (November 2010), pp. 329-354


Saving Liberal Peacebuilding,” Review of International Studies 36:2 (April 2010), pp. 337-365


Special commendation, British International Studies Association-RIS Best Article Prize

Reprinted in David J. Francis, ed., When War Ends: Building Peace in Divided Communities (New York: Routledge: 2012)


Reprinted in Susanna Campbell, David Chandler and Meera Sabaratnam, eds., A Liberal Peace? The Problems and Practices of Peacebuilding (London: Zed, 2011)


Does Liberal Peacebuilding Have a Future?” in Edward Newman, Roland Paris and Oliver Richmond, eds., New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2009), 97-111


Introduction” (co-authored with Edward Newman and Oliver Richmond) in Edward Newman, Roland Paris and Oliver Richmond, eds., New Thinking on Liberal Peacebuilding (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2009), pp. 3-25


Understanding the Contradictions of Postwar Statebuilding” (co-authored with Timothy D. Sisk) in Roland Paris and Timothy D. Sisk, eds., The Dilemmas of Statebuilding: Confronting the Contradictions of Postwar Peace Operations (London: Routledge, 2009), pp. 1-20


The Coordination Problem in Postwar Statebuilding,” in Roland Paris and Timothy D. Sisk, eds., The Dilemmas of Statebuilding: Confronting the Contradictions of Postwar Peace Operations (London: Routledge, 2009), pp. 53-78


Confronting the Contradictions” (co-authored with Timothy D. Sisk) in Roland Paris and Timothy D. Sisk, eds., The Dilemmas of Statebuilding: Confronting the Contradictions of Postwar Peace Operations (London: Routledge, 2009), pp. 304-15


Post-Conflict Peacebuilding,” in Thomas Weiss and Sam Daws, eds., Oxford Handbook of the United Nations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007), pp. 404-426


NATO’s Choice in Afghanistan: Go Big or Go Home,” Policy Options (December 2006), pp. 35-43


Selected as a “must read” article by the Council on Foreign Relations


Bringing the Leviathan Back In: Classical vs. Contemporary Conceptions of the Liberal Peace,” International Studies Review 8:3 (September 2006), pp. 425-40


Rational and Irrational Approaches to Human Security: A Reply to Ralph Pettman,” Cambridge Review of International Affairs 18:3 (October 2005), pp. 479-81


Still an Inscrutable Concept,” Security Dialogue 35:3 (September 2004), pp. 370-72


International Peacekeeping and the Constraints of Global Culture,” European Journal of International Relations 9:3 (September 2003), pp. 441-73


Reprinted in Paul James, ed., Globalization and Violence, vol. 3, Globalizing War and Intervention (London: Sage, 2006)


Multilateralism and American Power,” in Irwin Abrams and Wang Gungwu, eds., The Iraq War and Its Consequences: Thoughts of Nobel Peace Laureates and Eminent Scholars (Singapore: World Scientific Publishers, 2003)


The Burden of Nation-Building in Postwar Iraq,” in Irwin Abrams and Wang Gungwu, eds., The Iraq War and Its Consequences: Thoughts of Nobel Peace Laureates and Eminent Scholars (Singapore: World Scientific Publishers, 2003)


The Globalization of Taxation? Electronic Commerce and the Transformation of the State,” International Studies Quarterly 47:2 (June 2003), pp. 153-82


International Peacebuilding and the ‘Mission Civilisatrice,'” Review of International Studies 28:4 (October 2002), pp. 637-56


Reprinted in Roger Mac Ginty, ed., Peacebuilding (London: Sage, 2014)


Reprinted in Benedicte Bull and Morten Boas, eds., International Development (London: Sage, 2009)


Peacebuilding in Central America: Reproducing the Sources of Conflict?International Peacekeeping 9:4 (Winter 2002), pp. 39-68


Kosovo and the Metaphor War,” Political Science Quarterly 117:3 (Fall 2002), pp. 423-50


Reprinted in Philip Seib, ed., War and Conflict Communication: Critical Concepts (New York: Routledge, 2010)


Reprinted in Scott Titsworth, ed., Public Speaking (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003)


Human Security: Paradigm Shift or Hot Air?” International Security 26:2 (Fall 2001), pp. 87-102


Reprinted in Christopher W. Hughes and Lai Yew Meng, eds., Security Studies: A Reader (Routledge, 2011)


Reprinted in Michael E. Brown et al., eds., New Global Dangers: Changing Dimensions of International Security (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2004)


Reprinted in Richard W. Mansbach and Edward Rhodes, eds., Global Politics in a Changing World, 2nd edn. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003)


Echoes of the Mission Civilisatrice: Peacekeeping in the Post-Cold War Era” in Edward Newman and Oliver Richmond, eds., The United Nations and Human Security (London: Palgrave, 2001)


Wilson’s Ghost: The Faulty Assumptions of Post-Conflict Peacebuilding,” in Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall, eds., Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of Managing International Conflict (Washington, D.C.: US Institute of Peace Press, 2001)


Broadening the Study of Peace Operations,” International Studies Review 2:3 (Fall 2000), pp. 27-44


Peacebuilding and the Limits of Liberal Internationalism,” International Security 22:2 (Fall 1997), pp. 54-89


Reprinted in Michael E. Brown et al., eds., Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, revised edition, 2001)


Blue Helmet Blues: The End of the UN as a Security Organization?” Washington Quarterly 20:1 (Winter 1997), pp. 191-206


Reprinted in Timothy C. Lim, ed., Stand! Global Issues (Madison, Wis.: Coursewise Publishing, 1999)


4.3 Journal Issues


Special section of Global Governance 17:1 (Jan.-March 2011) on “NATO and the Challenge of Sustainable Peacebuilding" (co-edited with Alexandra Gheciu)

4.4 Reports and Working Papers


"Canadian Views on China: From Ambivalence to Distrust," Chatham House (July 2020)


"Navigating the New World Disorder: Canada's Post-Pandemic Foreign Policy," Public Policy Forum (July 2020)

"Can Middle Powers Save the Liberal World Order?" Chatham House (June 2019)

"Global Education for Canadians: Equipping Young Canadians to Succeed at Home and Abroad" (with Margaret Biggs), Study Group on Global Education, Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, and Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto (November 2017)


“Evolution or Escalation? Canada's Military Mission in Iraq,” Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, Policy Brief no. 26 (January 2015)


Collective Defence and Common Security: Twin Pillars of the Atlantic Alliance,” Group of Policy Experts Report to the NATO Secretary-General (coauthored with Martin Butora, Ivo Daalder, Camille Grand, Robin Niblett, Ana Palacio, Volker Perthes, Nathalie Tocci, Sinan Ülgen and Marcin Zaborowski (June 2014)


The Digital Diplomacy Revolution: Why Is Canada Lagging Behind?” Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute, Policy Paper (June 2013)


Rethinking Canada’s International Policy Priorities” (co-edited with Fen Osler Hampson), CIPS-NPSIA report, March 2010


“Can Obama’s ‘New’ Foreign Policy Make a Difference?” Global Brief, May 2009


“Scaling Back Expectations in Afghanistan,” Policy Brief no. 2, Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, February 2009


The Effects of Transitional Justice Mechanisms: A Summary of Empirical Research Findings and Implications for Analysts and Practitioners” (co-authored with Oskar N.T. Thoms and James Ron), Working Paper, Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, April 2008


Managing Contradictions: The Inherent Dilemmas of Postwar Statebuilding” (with Timothy D. Sisk), International Peace Academy, November 2007


Reprinted in Spanish: “Gestionar contradicciones: los dilemas inherentes a la construcción posbélica del estado,” Documentos para la Discusión Postbélica, No. 2. Bellaterra: ECP, 02/2011.


The Devils Lake Dispute: A Case Study in Canada-US Diplomacy,” Canada School of Public Service, February 2007


“The Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment: How Investment in Both Directions Drives Our Economy,” (with Glen Hodgson), The Conference Board of Canada, March 2006


“Fighting Over Fabrics: The Textile Wars and the Politics of Free Trade” (with Charles Barrett), Conference Board of Canada, November 2005


4.5 Book Reviews


Derek H. Burney and Fen Osler Hampson, Braver Canada: Shaping Our Destiny in a Precarious World (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020), reviewed in International Journal (summer 2020).

Markus E. Bouillon, David M. Malone and Ben Rowswell, eds., Iraq: Preventing a New Generation of Conflict (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2007), reviewed in The Literary Review of Canada (Jan.-Feb. 2008).


Harold H. Saunders, A Public Peace Process: Sustained Dialogue to Transform Racial and Ethnic Conflicts (New York: Palgrave, 1999), reviewed in Survival 45:2 (Summer 2003), pp. 205-6


Karin von Hippel, Democracy by Force: US Military Intervention in the Post-Cold War World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), reviewed in Political Studies 48:4 (September 2000), p. 876


Robert L. Rothstein, ed., After the Peace: Resistance and Reconciliation (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1999), reviewed in Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 6:1 (Spring 2000), pp. 129-131


4.6 Conference Papers and Invited Presentations (partial list)


“The War in Ukraine: Implications for Canada,” University of Victoria, May 2022


“Global Power Shifts and the Future of International Peace Operations,” Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia, April 2022


“The Ukraine War and the New World Disorder,” Mark Zacher Distinguished Speaker Lecture, University of British Columbia, April 2022


"The Illusion of ‘Pragmatic’ Peacekeeping: Why Peace Operations Will Always Be Ideological,” International Studies Association annual convention, online, April 2022


"European Populism and the Return of Illiberal Sovereignty: A Case Study of Hungary," International Studies Association, online, April 2021


"Building Canada's Post-Pandemic Foreign Policy," Centre for International Policy Studies and Canadian International Council, online, October 2020


"US-Canada Bilateral Relations," Madison Committee on Foreign Relations, online, September 2020


"Canadian Views of China," Chatham House online workshop, June 2020 


"The Right to Dominate: How Old Sovereignty Ideas Pose New Challenges for World Order," Department of Political Science, University of Calgary, March 2020


"Canada in a Changing World Order," School of Public Policy, University of Calgary, March 2020


"The Shifting Global Security Environment," NATO Special Operations Forces Commanders Conference, Ottawa, October 2019


"Foreign Policy Challenges for the Next Government," McGill University, September 2019


"Canada Alone? Surviving in a Meaner World," Canadian Political Science Association annual conference, keynote, June 2019


"The Waning of Liberal Peacebuilding and the Future of Collective Conflict Management," International Studies Association, Toronto, March 2019

"Shaping the Global Architecture," Annual meeting of the Global Future Councils, World Economic Forum, Dubai, November 2018

"The Return of Hegemonic Sovereignty," Dartmouth College, May 2018

"The Return of Sovereignty," International Studies Association, San Francisco, April 2018

"The Future of Peacebuilding," St. Paul University, November 2017


"The Promise and Potential Pitfalls of Justin Trudeau's Foreign Policy," University of Toronto, April 2017


"Trudeau and Trump: A Balancing Act for Canada," Weatherhead Center, Harvard University, April 2017


"Transatlantic Relations in the Age of Trump," Fletcher School, Tufts University, April 2017


"Canada's Global Role," Simon Fraser University's Public Square Community Summit, Vancouver, January 2017

"NATO's Political Role," Carnegie-Europe, Brussels, December 2016


"International Intervention in a Time of Uncertainty," German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, December 2016


"Canada's Back, Now What? International Policy for the Long Haul," Dalhousie University, Halifax, November 2016


"Canada's Reengagement in UN Peace Operations," Dalhousie University, Halifax, November 2016


"Canada's Back, Now What? International Policy for the Long Haul," CERIUM, Université de Montréal, November 2016


"Canada's Reengagement in UN Peace Operations," McGIll University, Montreal, October 2016


"Canada's Back, Now What? International Policy for the Long Haul," Munk School, University of Toronto, October 2016


"Canada's Back, Now What? International Policy for the Long Haul," University of Calgary, October 2016


"Reflections of a Prime Minister's Foreign Policy Advisor," Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, October 2016


"Canada's Back, Now What? International Policy for the Long Haul," Liu Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, October 2016


"Bridging the Divide between International Relations Academics and Practitioners,” annual convention of the Canadian Political Science Association, Ottawa, June 2015


“Global Order Through Disorder?  The Promise and Perils of Plurilateralism,” Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo, April 2015


“Global Order Through Disorder?  The Promise and Perils of Plurilateralism,” annual convention of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, February 2015


“Understanding Harper’s Foreign Policy,” Université de Montreal, April 2014


“Arcs of Instability and Conflict:  The Nexus of Security and Development,” Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, April 2014


“Are Canadians Still Liberal Internationalists?  Public Opinion and Foreign Policy in the Harper Era,” International Studies Association annual conference, Toronto, March 2014


“Coherence and Cooperation in Peace Operations,” African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, February 2014


4.7 Op-Eds and Commentary


Globe and Mail: July 14, 2024; Jan. 23, 2024; Oct. 31, 2022; March 21, 2022; June 4, 2021; Oct. 24, 2020; Oct. 6, 2019; Nov. 30, 2018; Nov. 8, 2017; July 16, 2017; June 6, 2017; Nov. 18, 2016; Jan. 29, 2015; Sept. 24, 2014; June 20, 2014; June 3, 2014; Feb. 13, 2014; Jan. 20, 2014; Dec. 10, 2013; April 16, 2013; April 5, 2013; July 11, 2012; Sept. 14, 2011; July 4, 2011; March 28, 2011; March 30, 2010; Feb. 1, 2010; Nov. 3, 2009; Aug. 10, 2009; July 13, 2009; Dec. 17, 2008; Nov. 1, 2008; Jan. 23, 2008; Dec. 18, 2007; Aug. 10, 2007; March 26, 2007; October 25, 2006

Ottawa Citizen: Oct. 26, 2018; June 2, 2014; June 19, 2013; Jan. 26, 2012; Dec. 22, 2011; July 26, 2011; March 4, 2010; Sept. 12, 2007

Other: Toronto Star (Oct. 17, 2018); Washington Post (Dec. 2014); Global Brief (May 2009); Denver Post (Jan. 16, 2003); Rocky Mountain News (Oct. 2001).

Also: numerous interviews and expert commentary for television, radio and online media, including CBC, CTV, Global, TVO, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Postmedia, Le Devoir, La Presse, Canadian Press, Reuters, Associated Press, Politico, Bloomberg, New York Times, NPR, PBS, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, MSNBC, Fox News, BBC, Christian Science Monitor, Guardian, and Deutsche Welle; and contributions to international affairs blog sites.


5. Teaching


5.1  Awards


See section 3.2


5.2  Courses Taught


5.2.1 Graduate Seminars


University of Ottawa

API 5105, Concepts and Issues in International Affairs

API 5106, Globalization and Governance

API 6335, Canadian Foreign Policy

API 6337, Peace Operations and Post-Conflict Reconstruction

API 6339, The Return of Geopolitical Rivalry

API 6737, Consolidation de la paix et reconstruction après les conflits


University of Colorado

PSCI 5013, Field Seminar in International Relations

PSCI 5043, International Governance and Democracy


5.2.2 Undergraduate Courses


University of Ottawa

POL 3146, Canadian Foreign Policy

POL 2103, Introduction to International Relations and Global Issues


University of Colorado

PSCI 4173, International Organization
IAFS 1000, Global Issues and International Affairs
IAFS 4500, The Post-Cold War World


5.3   Graduate Supervisions (completed)


Principal supervisor

4 completed Ph.D. dissertations

35 completed MA major research papers

2 completed M.A. theses


Committee member

8 Ph.D. dissertation examination committees

15 Ph.D. comprehensive examination committees

4 M.A. thesis examination committees


6. Academic Service


6.1 Institutional and Project Leadership


Co-Director, Study Group on Global Education, University of Ottawa/University of Toronto, 2017

Founding Director, Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, 2008-15

Coordinator, Canada and the World Policy Reports, University of Ottawa, 2014-15

Co-Director, Research Partnership on Postwar Statebuilding (with Timothy D. Sisk), 2006-7

Co-Director, Sustainable Peacebuilding Network (with Timothy D. Sisk), 2008-10

Director, Research Group on the Future of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture, 2008-10

Co-Director, Research Group on NATO and Sustainable Peacebuilding (with Alexandra Gheciu, 2008-10

Co-Director, Canada’s International Priorities project (with Fen O. Hampson), 2009-10

Co-Chair, Academe-Government International Policy Roundtables (with staff from the Department of Foreign Affairs), 2010-2011


6.2 Book Series Co-Editor


Co-Editor (with Fiona Adamson and Stefan Wolff) of the Routledge Security and Governance book series, 2006-12


6.3 Board Memberships



Editorial Board, Journal of Global Security Studies, 2014-present

Editorial Board, Global Governance, 2013-present

Editorial Board, Études internationales, 2017-present

Editorial Board, International Politics Review, 2013-present

Editorial Board, Peacebuilding, 2012-present

Editorial Board, Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, 2010-present

Editorial Board, Intervention and State-Building, 2006-present

Editorial Board, Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 2016-present



Board of Directors, World University Service of Canada (WUSC), 2010-15

Editorial Board, International Studies Review, 2012-15

Board of Directors, Academic Council on the United Nations System, 2008-2010 (Vice-Chair, 2009-2010)

Editorial Advisory Board, Millennium journal, 2007-2008


6.4 Manuscript Reviewer


For: American Political Science Review, International Security, International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Security Studies, International Affairs, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, International Theory, Review of International Studies, International Relations, Security Dialogue, Ethics and International Affairs, Millennium, Global Governance, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, International Peacekeeping, Journal of Global Security Studies, Études Internationales, Conflict and Cooperation, Journal of International Relations and Development, International Relations of the Asia Pacific, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, International Journal, and American Review of Canadian Studies.


6.5 Referee for Research Awards, Scholarships and Grants


Chair, Canadian Foreign Service Officer Awards Committee, 2019-21


Member, Canadian Foreign Service Officer Awards Committee, 2017-18

Chair, Award Committee, Chadwick Alger Prize, International Studies Association, 2014


Member, External Advisory Group, Department of National Defence, Defence Engagement Program, 2013-2014


Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program Adjudication Committee, 2008-10


Canada Research Chairs Program, 2008


National Science Foundation (US), 2008


Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung, 2006


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2003


Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order, 2002, 2003 and 2012


6.6 Invited Testimony Before Parliamentary Committees


House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (November 8, 2006) – “The Situation in Afghanistan”


House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (November 17, 2005) – “Canada’s International Policy Statement”


7. Other Information


7.1 Languages


English (mother tongue), French (Canadian government E/E/E levels)


7.2  Security Clearance


Information on clearance levels available upon request


research prizes and honours
courses taught
book series
grants awards and honours
awards for teaching
Anchor 3
Anchor 4
articles and book chapters
journal issues
reports and working papers
book reviews
grad supervisions
board memberships
manuscript reviewer
other information

Roland Paris
Graduate School of Public & International Affairs

University of Ottawa

120 University Private, Room 6005E

Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 3M5, Canada

© Roland Paris 2024

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