Security Council rejection a deep embarrassment for Harper
Quoted in:
Assessing Afghanistan
TVO The Agenda "Have we made a difference, and was it worth it?"

Saving Liberal Peacebuilding
Review of International Studies 36:2 (April 2010), pp. 337-365 Abstract: Liberal peacebuilding has become the target of considerable...
Minority Governments Are Hobbling Canadian Foreign Policy
Globe and Mail Former diplomat Robert Fowler was right to upbraid both the Conservatives and Liberals on Sunday for their small-minded...
Don't Pull Out Every Soldier
Ottawa Citizen Canada can make a huge difference by leaving a small contingent of military trainers in Afghanistan after the 2011...

Rethinking Canada's International Priorities
Co-edited with Fen Osler Hampson, CIPS-NPSIA Report, 2010. Essays.
The Final Chapter of Our Afghan Mission
Globe & Mail Canada's military mission in Afghanistan is slated to end in 2011, but it is far from over. Contrary to reports that...
The Final Chapter of Our Afghan Mission
Globe & Mail Canada's military mission in Afghanistan is slated to end in 2011, but it is far from over. Contrary to reports that Canada...

In Afghanistan, One Last Shot
Globe & Mail Obama will conclude that this isn't the time to withdraw, but he's also unlikely to tolerate failure much longer Now that...
Does Liberal Peacebuilding Have a Future?
In Edward Newman, Roland Paris and Oliver Richmond, eds., New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding (UNU/Brookings, 2009).