Afghanistan and Mixed Messages
TVO The Agenda Mixed messages: what a widening war, an opening to the Taliban, and new troop commitments means to Canada's role in...

Step Up, Canada: Propose a G8 Centre on Fragile States
Globe & Mail Establishing it here would be a shrewd blend of public-spirited investment and self-interested capacity-building at home ...
New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding
Co-edited with Edward Newman and Oliver Richmond; UNU/Brookings, 2009.

Madly Off in All Directions
Globe & Mail NATO is at a crossroads after expanding too far and losing its core purpose NATO is at a crossroads. After two decades of...
Dilemmas of Statebuilding: Confronting the Contradictions of Postwar Peace Operations
Co-edited with Timothy D. Sisk; Routledge, 2009.

Can Obama's "New" Foreign Policy Make a Difference?
Global Brief As a candidate for the White House, Barack Obama promised to “renew American diplomacy” and to launch a “new era of...

Barack Obama's Visit to Canada
CPAC Special Watch here. "CPAC’s Bill Luxton speaks with Canadian citizens, politicians, and experts to discuss their hopes for United...
Ethical Dilemmas and the Contradictions of Peacebuilding
Presentation at the Launch of the Forum for Peacebuilding Ethics, New York The idea of developing an ongoing conversation between...
Comments on Canada's Role in Afghanistan
PBS Newshour Watch the full video here. "TOM BEARDEN: The economy isn't the only relationship on Canadians' minds. About 2,800...
Scaling Back Expectations in Afghanistan
Centre for International Policy Studies Policy Brief no. 2, Feb. 2009.